Commissioning a Painting

chris quinlan irish artist

Your precious photographs or memories can be preserved for a lifetime by having an experienced artist paint them. A photograph, a portrait of you, your family or friend, a scene, an event, a pet, a memory, a dreamy sky, or even a dream, the right artist can preserve your ideal painting forever.
You can preserve the image forever and the right artist, using the right materials can preserve your new painting forever. Never fading or losing vibrancy and always retaining its value or even increasing its value as the artist becomes more established.
A dedicated artist will place there heart and soul into a commissioned artwork, especially as the artists has to keep in mind, this artwork is for a customer, that's not to say they won't put as much effort into creating a painting to exhibit in a gallery or on their website

What you could consider before contacting the Artist

  • Color: colours of the project, your home or premises
  • Size: size of the project, will it fit your space properly
  • Space: Is your room dark or bright, large or small, the wall texture i.e. smooth, stone, brick, concrete, etc..
  • Image: if the project is to be painted from an image, is it well positioned, of good quality with maximum pixels.
  • Idea: if the project is to be painted from an idea have as much details as possible. Room lighting, space size,
  • Framing?: Is the project suitable for framing, Will project look well unframed, if so, depth size, gallery wrap edge or gradient edge.
  • Materials: Canvas, board, wall mural, etc..
  • Artists generally only begin a project after receiving a non refundable deposit, this could vary from artist to artist and be anything up to 50% The artists reason for a non refundable deposit is for invested time, labour and materials.
  • Shipping or delivery fees, who pays this? and return fees if there are any problems

What you could consider asking the Artist

  • Ask the artist, what is their initial thought of the project?
  • Ask them, if they maybe have any ideas to enhance the project idea.
  • Ask, what type of material will be used? quality artists materials?
  • Are the colours right for the type of project? right for your wall space and right for the medium the artist will use.
  • There opinions on mood, lighting, space, surroundings etc..
  • Their opinion of the project.
  • Will they communicate and keep you up to date on the progress of the project.
  • Does the artist have any questions about the project
  • Does the artist write up a contract and will it include the following
  • Is there a deposit up front and is is non refundable
  • Is there any satisfaction guarantee.
  • Shipping and return fees
  • Can they provide any examples before starting the project or email stage by stage images of the artworks progression. This can be comforting if you have paid a non refundable deposit.

Entering into a contract with an Artist

It is highly recommended to ask an artist to write up and sign a contract for the project. This will benefit both you and and the artist. It is also highly recommended that you deal directly with the artist. There are many very talented artists that will deal directly with you.
Be sure to obtain a receipt for any deposit paid and keep it safe. This could be required for final payment. Also obtain a receipt for the final payment. Most artists will, retouch or repair any mistakes or errors for a limited time
If the artist backs out a full refund should be returned with any additional expenses i.e. shipping, return and packaging costs. If you wish to back out, be advised you will loose any deposit paid.
The rights to the artwork should be mentioned in the contract. This is pertaining to the recreation, printing or copying of the artwork. The owner rights to the original painting will be entirely yours once paid for.

Finished Project

At the finished stage it is still your entitlement to make adjustments or voice your concerns, after all the artist will want you to be entirely satisfied with the finished artwork.

Copyrights of the artwork in question

You will own the artwork on final payment. You may never copy, reproduce or print the artwork without the written consent of the artist. The artist has retains all right in this situation

Final Word

Artists will love to have the opportunity to paint your image or idea. The advice offered here will allow a trouble free experience and you can enjoy your painting for many years to come. As the years go by your artwork will gain in value as the artist becomes more established. Be sure to give the artist some positive feedback on their website or social page.

By Chris Quinlan Art


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